
1122學期開課公告 1122 Semester Create Course Announcement

Picture of 管理 用戶
1122學期開課公告 1122 Semester Create Course Announcement
by 管理 用戶 - Friday, 5 January 2024, 10:23 AM


校內 Moodle 平台預計2024/01/12 AM09:00 ~ PM12:00 進行1122學期課程開課作業。開課作業期間會影響其他活動的進行,若造成不便,敬請見諒。

Dear All:

The school's Moodle platform is scheduled to carry out the course opening operation for the 1122 semester from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on January 12, 2024. The course opening operation will affect the progress of other activities. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.